Tuesday 16 October 2012

Isolation!? I THINK NOT!!

So today Emma and Jack got an 'Isolation' together. It started when Stalker Stephan would not stop following them around and they were getting sick of it. So they ran off. Later Stalker Stephan found them againso Jack told him that him and Emma had got an isolation for kissing -lol- and so they walked off to their isolation room by science. So me and Fay are sat together with Jack, Jay and Steph when Stalker Stephan comes running over yelling 'Jack and Emma got an ISO for kissing!!'. As you can tell me and Fay did not act very fondly to this. We spent about fifteen minutes just sat there descussing how we sould go stand outside isolation and just kiss to get a point across. We also spent that fifteeen minutes looking through our planners to find out if you were allowed to get an isolation for kissing and all we could find to do with kissing was sexual harrassment. That however was all we could find. That was when Stalker Stephan announced t6hat we should go to isolation and wait for them to come out. So we all stood up and started to follow Stalker Stephan towards science. Untill I spoke up and said 'Isolation isn't in science, it's in  the hall going towards english'. So we set off to find Jack and Emma. Eventually me and Ben found them huddled together in a corner by some locketrs in science -awwww-.

It turns out the never even got isolation -haha- they just wanted to get rid of Stalker Stephan. I don't blame them!

Thats all for now,
More from Jemma soon